
The updatePersonalData hook is triggered after a member has updated their personal data via the respective front end module. It passes the front end user, the updated data and the front end module and does not expect a return value.

Be aware that the front end user object and the database has already been updated when this hook is triggered.


  1. \Contao\FrontendUser $member

    The front end user instance who changed their data.

  2. array $data

    The submitted form data.

  3. \Contao\Module $module

    The front end module of type \Contao\ModulePersonalData.


// src/EventListener/UpdatePersonalDataListener.php
namespace App\EventListener;

use Contao\CoreBundle\DependencyInjection\Attribute\AsHook;
use Contao\Module;
use Contao\FrontendUser;

class UpdatePersonalDataListener
    public function __invoke(FrontendUser $member, array $data, Module $module): void
        // Do something …
