Use Contao 4.4 in Symfony Application

The Contao Open Source CMS can be integrated into a regular Symfony application. It needs a few installation steps in order to be properly set up. The following documentation leads you through them.

Install and set up your Symfony application

If you already have a full stack Symfony application set up, you can skip this step and go directly to the installation procedure for the Contao bundles. First of all we need a full stack Symfony application installed. You can find further information about this subject in the Symfony documentation.

$ composer create-project symfony/website-skeleton contao-example ^3.4

This command creates the directory contao-example, containing a bare bone Symfony application in it. In order to complete our installation copy the .env file to .env.local and change the environment values accordingly. In this case, we only need the DATABASE_URL changed, so our .env.local will also only contain this configuration value.


At this point contao-example should contain a working Symfony application and you can proceed to the second step, the installation of Contao itself.

Install the Contao Core Bundle

$ composer require \
    doctrine/dbal:^2.5 \
    doctrine/doctrine-bundle ^1.6 \
    doctrine/migrations:^1.1 \
    doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle:^1.3 \
    contao/conflicts:@dev \
    contao/core-bundle:4.4.* \
    contao/installation-bundle:4.4.* \
    php-http/guzzle6-adapter \
    sensio/framework-extra-bundle:^3.0.2 \
    symfony/console:^3.3.7 \
    symfony/swiftmailer-bundle:^2.3 \
    swiftmailer/swiftmailer:^5.0 \
    toflar/psr6-symfony-http-cache-store \
    twig/twig ^1.26

If the installation request fails, try to check for conflicting packages in the contao/conflicts meta-package. This is exactly the reason why doctrine/dbal and doctrine/migrations need to be installed in another version than the default one.

As long as the Symfony flex plugin is installed you will be asked to execute contrib recipes for several packages. Answering a on those question sets you up faster.

After this step, it is time to edit our composer.json file and add a few lines which Contao uses to set itself up.

    "…": "…",
    "extra": {
        "contao-component-dir": "assets",
        "…": "…"
    "scripts": {
        "…": "…",
        "auto-scripts": {
            "cache:clear --no-warmup": "symfony-cmd",
            "assets:install %PUBLIC_DIR%": "symfony-cmd",
            "contao:install %PUBLIC_DIR%": "symfony-cmd",
            "contao:symlinks %PUBLIC_DIR%": "symfony-cmd"

Finish and apply these changes by running another Composer update.

$ composer update

After the installation through Composer, a few configuration values needs to be changed and added.

First of all, make sure all bundles are properly loaded. You should find the following lines in your config/bundles.php file.

return [
    // …
    Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\SensioFrameworkExtraBundle::class => ['all' => true],
    Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\DoctrineBundle::class => ['all' => true],
    Doctrine\Bundle\MigrationsBundle\DoctrineMigrationsBundle::class => ['all' => true],
    Symfony\Bundle\SwiftmailerBundle\SwiftmailerBundle::class => ['all' => true],ue],
    FOS\HttpCacheBundle\FOSHttpCacheBundle::class => ['all' => true],
    Terminal42\HeaderReplay\HeaderReplayBundle::class => ['all' => true],
    Nelmio\CorsBundle\NelmioCorsBundle::class => ['all' => true],
    Knp\Bundle\TimeBundle\KnpTimeBundle::class => ['all' => true],
    Knp\Bundle\MenuBundle\KnpMenuBundle::class => ['all' => true],
    Contao\CoreBundle\ContaoCoreBundle::class => ['all' => true],
    Contao\InstallationBundle\ContaoInstallationBundle::class => ['all' => true],

Configure your Contao installation

First, we need to configure the ContaoCoreBundle. To do so, create (or edit if the file already exists) the file config/contao_core.yaml and add the following entries:

    web_dir: "%kernel.project_dir%/public"

Make sure all the Contao routes are loaded by your application. Add the following lines to config/routes.yaml. The Contao core bundle will provide a catch-all route. Since the order of those lines matter, make sure to load the ContaoCoreBundle at the end after the ContaoInstallationBundle.

    resource: "@ContaoInstallationBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"

    resource: "@ContaoCoreBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"

Add the binary_string type to the list of Doctrine types. Edit the file config/doctrine.yaml. Be sure to merge the following configuration into the existing one.

                class: 'Contao\CoreBundle\Doctrine\DBAL\Types\BinaryStringType'

Be sure to add the following configuration key/values to the config/framework.yaml file, leaving the already existing lines there.

    esi: { enabled: true }

    csrf_protection: ~
    lock: ~

    fragments: { path: /_fragment }


        only_master_requests: true

Depending on the language of your choice, change the default and fallback language to e.g. de, so the install tool comes up translated in German. In order to do so, change en to de in config/translation.yaml.

    default_locale: de
            - de

Contao relies heavily on the security component of Symfony, which needs to be configured accordingly. Replace the contents of the file config/security.yaml with the following lines.


            pattern: ^/(_(profiler|wdt|error)|css|images|js)/
            security: false

            pattern: ^/(contao/install|install\.php)
            security: false

            request_matcher: contao.routing.backend_matcher
            stateless: true

            request_matcher: contao.routing.frontend_matcher
            stateless: true

You can now start a local server and open up the installation tool in your browser. For example, if you’re using the Symfony binary, start the server like this:

$ symfony serve

Point your browser to the installation tool (for example https://localhost:8000/contao/install) and follow the usual installation procedure.

Enable Cache and Front End Preview

At this point you have set up a working Symfony application and added the Contao Core Bundle. A few last steps are required to properly set up the caching and the front end preview.

First, we need to configure the FOSHttpCacheBundle. To do so, create (or edit if the file already exists) the file config/fos_http_cache.yaml and add the following entries:

# FOS HttpCache configuration
            use_kernel_dispatcher: true
        enabled: true
        enabled: true
            enabled: false
        max_header_value_length: 4096

Replace your public/index.php with the following version to enable the caching capabilities from Contao.



use App\HttpKernel\AppKernel;
use Symfony\Component\Debug\Debug;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\TerminableInterface;

// Disable the phar stream wrapper for security reasons (see #105)
if (in_array('phar', stream_get_wrappers(), true)) {

require dirname(__DIR__) . '/config/bootstrap.php';

if ($_SERVER['APP_DEBUG']) {

if ($trustedProxies = $_SERVER['TRUSTED_PROXIES'] ?? $_ENV['TRUSTED_PROXIES'] ?? false) {
    Request::setTrustedProxies(explode(',', $trustedProxies), Request::HEADER_X_FORWARDED_ALL ^ Request::HEADER_X_FORWARDED_HOST);

if ($trustedHosts = $_SERVER['TRUSTED_HOSTS'] ?? $_ENV['TRUSTED_HOSTS'] ?? false) {

$kernel = new AppKernel($_SERVER['APP_ENV'], (bool) $_SERVER['APP_DEBUG']);
$request = Request::createFromGlobals();

if (!$kernel->isDebug()) {
    $cache = $kernel->getHttpCache();

    // Enable the Symfony reverse proxy if request has no surrogate capability
    if (null !== $cache->getSurrogate() && !$cache->getSurrogate()->hasSurrogateCapability($request)) {
        $kernel = $cache;

$response = $kernel->handle($request);

if ($kernel instanceof TerminableInterface) {
    $kernel->terminate($request, $response);

The front end preview is an entry script on its own and needs to be placed in public/preview.php containing the following lines:



use App\HttpKernel\AppKernel;
use FOS\HttpCache\TagHeaderFormatter\TagHeaderFormatter;
use Symfony\Component\Debug\Debug;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\TerminableInterface;

// Suppress error messages (see #1422)
@ini_set('display_errors', '0');

// Disable the phar stream wrapper for security reasons (see #105)
if (in_array('phar', stream_get_wrappers(), true)) {

require dirname(__DIR__) . '/config/bootstrap.php';

if ($_SERVER['APP_DEBUG']) {

$kernel = new AppKernel($_SERVER['APP_ENV'], (bool) $_SERVER['APP_DEBUG']);
$request = Request::createFromGlobals();
$response = $kernel->handle($request);

// Force no-cache on all responses in the preview front controller
$response->headers->set('Cache-Control', 'no-store');

// Strip all tag headers from the response

if ($kernel instanceof TerminableInterface) {
    $kernel->terminate($request, $response);

Moreover you need to enable the front end preview by adding the following line to the config/packages/contao_core.yaml (be sure not just overwrite all the lines but add the needed ones).

    preview_script: '/preview.php'

And finally, we need to replace the applications Kernel. Remove src/Kernel.php and a new file src/HttpKernel/AppKernel.php.

// src/HttpKernel/AppKernel.php



namespace App\HttpKernel;

use Contao\CoreBundle\HttpKernel\Bundle\ContaoModuleBundle;
use FOS\HttpCache\SymfonyCache\HttpCacheProvider;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Kernel\MicroKernelTrait;
use Symfony\Component\Config\Loader\LoaderInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Config\Resource\FileResource;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder;
use Symfony\Component\Finder\Exception\DirectoryNotFoundException;
use Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder;
use Symfony\Component\Finder\SplFileInfo;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel as BaseKernel;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\RouteCollectionBuilder;

class AppKernel extends BaseKernel implements HttpCacheProvider
    use MicroKernelTrait;

    const CONFIG_EXTS = '.{php,xml,yaml,yml}';

     * @var AppCache
    private $httpCache;

    public function getCacheDir()
        return $this->getProjectDir().'/var/cache/'.$this->environment;

    public function getLogDir()
        return $this->getProjectDir().'/var/log';

    public function registerBundles()
        $contents = require $this->getProjectDir().'/config/bundles.php';
        foreach ($contents as $class => $envs) {
            if ($envs[$this->environment] ?? $envs['all'] ?? false) {
                yield new $class();

        // Look for Contao 3 style modules in <project-root>/system/modules
        try {
            /** @var array<SplFileInfo> $modules */
            $modules = Finder::create()
                ->in($this->getProjectDir() . '/system/modules/')
        } catch (DirectoryNotFoundException $e){
            $modules  = [];

        // Load Contao 3 style modules if available
        /** @var SplFileInfo $module */
        foreach ($modules as $module) {
            yield new ContaoModuleBundle($module->getFilename(), $this->getProjectDir() . '/src');

    public function getHttpCache(): AppCache
        if (null !== $this->httpCache) {
            return $this->httpCache;

        return $this->httpCache = new AppCache($this, $this->getProjectDir() . '/var/cache/prod/http_cache');

    protected function configureContainer(ContainerBuilder $container, LoaderInterface $loader)
        $container->addResource(new FileResource($this->getProjectDir().'/config/bundles.php'));
        // Feel free to remove the "container.autowiring.strict_mode" parameter
        // if you are using symfony/dependency-injection 4.0+ as it's the default behavior
        $container->setParameter('container.autowiring.strict_mode', true);
        $container->setParameter('container.dumper.inline_class_loader', true);
        $confDir = $this->getProjectDir().'/config';

        $loader->load($confDir.'/{packages}/*'.self::CONFIG_EXTS, 'glob');
        $loader->load($confDir.'/{packages}/'.$this->environment.'/*'.self::CONFIG_EXTS, 'glob');
        $loader->load($confDir.'/{services}'.self::CONFIG_EXTS, 'glob');
        $loader->load($confDir.'/{services}_'.$this->environment.self::CONFIG_EXTS, 'glob');

    protected function configureRoutes(RouteCollectionBuilder $routes)
        $confDir = $this->getProjectDir().'/config';

        $routes->import($confDir.'/{routes}/'.$this->environment.'/*'.self::CONFIG_EXTS, '/', 'glob');
        $routes->import($confDir.'/{routes}/*'.self::CONFIG_EXTS, '/', 'glob');
        $routes->import($confDir.'/{routes}'.self::CONFIG_EXTS, '/', 'glob');

In the same directory create the file src/HttpKernel/AppCache.php.and

// src/HttpKernel/AppCache.php



namespace App\HttpKernel;

use FOS\HttpCache\SymfonyCache\CacheInvalidation;
use FOS\HttpCache\SymfonyCache\EventDispatchingHttpCache;
use FOS\HttpCache\TagHeaderFormatter\TagHeaderFormatter;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\HttpCache\HttpCache;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\KernelInterface;
use Terminal42\HeaderReplay\SymfonyCache\HeaderReplaySubscriber;
use Toflar\Psr6HttpCacheStore\Psr6Store;

class AppCache extends HttpCache implements CacheInvalidation
    use EventDispatchingHttpCache;

     * Constructor.
     * @param KernelInterface $kernel
     * @param null            $cacheDir
    public function __construct(KernelInterface $kernel, $cacheDir = null)
        parent::__construct($kernel, $cacheDir);

        $this->addSubscriber(new HeaderReplaySubscriber());

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function fetch(Request $request, $catch = false)
        return parent::fetch($request, $catch);

     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected function createStore()
        return new Psr6Store([
            'cache_directory' => $this->cacheDir ?: $this->kernel->getCacheDir().'/http_cache',
            'cache_tags_header' => TagHeaderFormatter::DEFAULT_HEADER_NAME,

The last thing now is to adjust the config for the routing via annotations. If the file config/routes/annotations.yaml and a config for kernel exists, change it to this:

    resource: ../../src/HttpKernel/AppKernel.php
    type: annotation

And that’s it. You have successfully set up a Symfony application and/or installed the Contao Core Bundle.