Select Menu

This widget renders a drop-down menu.

A simple select menu with hard-coded options whether to show the current page in the HTML Sitemap:

Select menu with hard-coded options

A select menu enhanced with Chosen.js to allow the editor to limit the available options with a simple search box:

Select menu enhanced with Chosen.js

A grouped select menu enhanced with Chosen.js:

Grouped select menu enhanced with Chosen.js


This table only shows the options relevant to the core functionality of this widget. See the DCA reference for a full field reference.

Key Value Description
inputType select
options array An options array (use in combination with eval.multiple)
options_callback function|callable A callback function that returns the options callback or an array (use in combination with eval.multiple). You may define an anonymous function, but you should consider registering them via annotations.
reference array Reference an array that will be used to translate the options. Contao will automatically match the options and reference array by key.
foreignKey string Reference another table to generate options from.
eval.multiple true/false (default) bool Set this to true if you want to provide multiple options via options or options_callback
eval.includeBlankOption true/false (default) bool Includes a blank option (useful in conjunction with mandatory fields)
eval.blankOptionLabel string (default -) The label of the blank option
eval.chosen true/false (default) bool Enhance the select menu with Chosen.js
eval.disabled true/false (default) bool Disables the input field

The options array – either set directly or returned by an options callback – can have different structures depending on what you are going for:

  1. [ 'label1' , 'label2' ] where the values of the select options will be the regular array index.
  2. [ 'value' => 'label' ] where value will be the value of the select option, and label the label.
  3. [ 'foo' => ['a', 'b'], 'bar' => ['c', 'd'] ] which will render grouped select options foo and bar.

Column Definition

Depending on the widget configuration, the widget persists different values to the database. You have to take care of the correct SQL column definition yourself. A single select will save the selected value as string. If you allow to select multiple options, they are stored as serialized array. Since you do not know the length in advance, a blob column is prefered.


If you simply want to select an option from a fixed set.

// ...
'isVisible' => [
    'label' => ['Visibility', 'Whether this element is visible on the page'],

    'inputType' => 'select',
    'options' => ['always', 'never', 'auto'],

    'sql' => [
        'type' => 'string',
        'length' => 8, // Must be large enough to store all possible values
        'default' => 'auto',
// ...

If you simply want to select one option from a fixed set of grouped options.

// ...
'mySelect' => [
    'label' => ['Select', 'Help text'],
    'inputType' => 'select',
    'options' => [
      'news' => [
      'events' => [
    'sql' => [
        'type' => 'string',
        'length' => 16, // Must be large enough to store all possible options
        'default' => '',
// ...

You can also dynamically generate the options array to filter them as you wish. See the options callback for further examples.

// ...
'mySelect' => [
    'label' => ['Select', 'Help text'], // Or a reference to the global language array
    'inputType' => 'select',
    'options_callback' => [
        'Vendor\Class', 'getMySelectOptions' // Defines a method that returns the options array. Class can be a service. 
    'eval' => [
        'chosen' => true, // Adds a search box to filter the options
    'sql' => [
        'type' => 'string',
        'length' => 16, // Must be large enough to store all possible options
        'default' => '',
// ...

You can generate an options array from another table with the foreignKey property.

// ...
'myUsers' => [
    'label' => ['My Users', 'Help text'], // Or a reference to the global language array
    'inputType' => 'select',
    'foreignKey' => '', // Will use `name` as label, and the user `id` as value
    'eval' => [
        'chosen' => true, // Adds a search box to filter the options
    'sql' => [
        'type' => 'integer',
        'unsigned' => true,
        'default' => 0,
// ...

Usage in Contao

Basically everywhere, e.g. tl_page or tl_module