
Contao Bundle Configuration

Contao’s configuration options can be reviewed by running the following command:

$ vendor/bin/contao-console config:dump-reference contao

The following is a dump of the configuration reference.

# Default configuration for extension with alias: "contao"
    csrf_cookie_prefix:   csrf_
    csrf_token_name:      contao_csrf_token

    # The error reporting level set when the framework is initialized. Defaults to E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_USER_DEPRECATED.
    error_level:          8183

        # Adds, removes or overwrites the list of ICU locale IDs. Defaults to all locale IDs known to the system.

            # Examples:
            - +de
            - '-de_AT'
            - gsw_CH

        # Adds, removes or overwrites the list of enabled locale IDs that can be used in the Backend for example. Defaults to all languages for which a translation exists.

            # Examples:
            - +de
            - '-de_AT'
            - gsw_CH

        # Adds, removes or overwrites the list of ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes.

            # Examples:
            - +DE
            - '-AT'
            - CH

    # Allows to set TL_CONFIG variables, overriding settings stored in localconfig.php. Changes in the Contao back end will not have any effect.
    localconfig:          ~

    # Allows to configure which languages can be used in the Contao back end. Defaults to all languages for which a translation exists.
    locales:              [] # Deprecated (Since contao/core-bundle 4.12: Using contao.locales is deprecated. Please use contao.intl.enabled_locales instead.)

    # Show customizable, pretty error screens instead of the default PHP error messages.
    pretty_error_screens: false

    # An optional entry point script that bypasses the front end cache for previewing changes (e.g. "/preview.php").
    preview_script:       ''

    # The folder used by the file manager.
    upload_path:          files
    editable_files:       'css,csv,html,ini,js,json,less,md,scss,svg,svgz,ts,txt,xliff,xml,yml,yaml'

    # Absolute path to the web directory. Defaults to %kernel.project_dir%/public.
    web_dir:              public # Deprecated (Since contao/core-bundle 4.13: Setting the web directory in a config file is deprecated. Use the "extra.public-dir" config key in your root composer.json instead.)

    # The path to the Symfony console. Defaults to %kernel.project_dir%/bin/console.
    console_path:         '%kernel.project_dir%/bin/console'

    # Allows to define Symfony Messenger workers (messenger:consume). Workers are started every minute using the Contao cron job framework.
        # Contao provides a way to work on Messenger transports in the web process (kernel.terminate) if there is no real "messenger:consume" worker. You can configure its behavior here.'

          # The transports to apply the web worker logic to.
          transports:     []
          grace_period:   PT10M # Must be a valid string for \DateInterval()


            # Prototype

                # The transports/receivers you would like to consume from.

                    # Examples:
                    - foobar_transport
                    - foobar2_transport

                # messenger:consume options. Make sure to always include "--time-limit=60".

                    # Default:
                    - --time-limit=60

                    # Examples:
                    - '--sleep=5'
                    - '--time-limit=60'

                # Enables autoscaling.
                    enabled:              false

                    # Contao will automatically autoscale the number of workers to meet this queue size. Logic: desiredWorkers = ceil(currentSize / desiredSize)
                    desired_size:         ~ # Required

                    # Contao will never scale down to less than this configured number of workers.
                    min:                  1

                    # Contao will never scale up to more than this configured number of workers.
                    max:                  ~ # Required

        # Bypass the image cache and always regenerate images when requested. This also disables deferred image resizing.
        bypass_cache:         false
            jpeg_quality:         80

                # Defaults:
                - 2
                - 1
                - 1
            png_compression_level: ~
            png_compression_filter: ~
            webp_quality:         ~
            webp_lossless:        ~
            avif_quality:         ~
            avif_lossless:        ~
            heic_quality:         ~
            heic_lossless:        ~
            jxl_quality:          ~
            jxl_lossless:         ~

            # Allows to disable the layer flattening of animated images. Set this option to false to support animations. It has no effect with Gd as Imagine service.
            flatten:              ~

            # One of the Imagine\Image\ImageInterface::INTERLACE_* constants.
            interlace:            plane

            # Filter used when downsampling images. One of the Imagine\Image\ImageInterface::FILTER_* constants. It has no effect with Gd or SVG as Imagine service.
            resampling-filter:    ~

        # Contao automatically uses an Imagine service out of Gmagick, Imagick and Gd (in this order). Set a service ID here to override.
        imagine_service:      null

        # Reject uploaded images exceeding the localconfig.imageWidth and localconfig.imageHeight dimensions.
        reject_large_uploads: false

        # Allows to define image sizes in the configuration file in addition to in the Contao back end. Use the special name "_defaults" to preset values for all sizes of the configuration file.

            # Prototype
                width:                ~
                height:               ~
                resize_mode:          ~ # One of "crop"; "box"; "proportional"
                zoom:                 ~
                css_class:            ~
                lazy_loading:         ~
                densities:            ~
                sizes:                ~

                # If the output dimensions match the source dimensions, the image will not be processed. Instead, the original file will be used.
                skip_if_dimensions_match: ~

                # Allows to convert one image format to another or to provide additional image formats for an image (e.g. WebP).

                    # Examples:
                    jpg:                 [jxl, webp, jpg]
                    gif:                 [avif, png]

                    # Prototype
                    source:               []

                # Which metadata fields to preserve when resizing images.

                    # Examples:
                    exif:                { IFD0: [Copyright, Artist] }
                    iptc:                ['2#116', '2#080', '2#115', '2#110']

                    # Prototype
                    format:               []
                    jpeg_quality:         ~
                    jpeg_sampling_factors: []
                    png_compression_level: ~
                    png_compression_filter: ~
                    webp_quality:         ~
                    webp_lossless:        ~
                    avif_quality:         ~
                    avif_lossless:        ~
                    heic_quality:         ~
                    heic_lossless:        ~
                    jxl_quality:          ~
                    jxl_lossless:         ~

                    # Allows to disable the layer flattening of animated images. Set this option to false to support animations. It has no effect with Gd as Imagine service.
                    flatten:              ~
                    interlace:            ~

                    # Prototype
                        width:                ~
                        height:               ~
                        resize_mode:          ~ # One of "crop"; "box"; "proportional"
                        zoom:                 ~
                        media:                ~
                        densities:            ~
                        sizes:                ~
                        resizeMode:           ~ # One of "crop"; "box"; "proportional", Deprecated (Since contao/core-bundle 4.9: Using contao.image.sizes.*.items.resizeMode is deprecated. Please use contao.image.sizes.*.items.resize_mode instead.)
                resizeMode:           ~ # One of "crop"; "box"; "proportional", Deprecated (Since contao/core-bundle 4.9: Using contao.image.sizes.*.resizeMode is deprecated. Please use contao.image.sizes.*.resize_mode instead.)
                cssClass:             ~ # Deprecated (Since contao/core-bundle 4.9: Using contao.image.sizes.*.cssClass is deprecated. Please use contao.image.sizes.*.css_class instead.)
                lazyLoading:          ~ # Deprecated (Since contao/core-bundle 4.9: Using contao.image.sizes.*.lazyLoading is deprecated. Please use contao.image.sizes.*.lazy_loading instead.)
                skipIfDimensionsMatch: ~ # Deprecated (Since contao/core-bundle 4.9: Using contao.image.sizes.*.skipIfDimensionsMatch is deprecated. Please use contao.image.sizes.*.skip_if_dimensions_match instead.)

        # The target directory for the cached images processed by Contao.
        target_dir:           '%kernel.project_dir%/assets/images' # Example: '%kernel.project_dir%/assets/images'
        target_path:          null # Deprecated (Since contao/core-bundle 4.9: Use the "contao.image.target_dir" parameter instead.)

            # Defaults:
            - jpg
            - jpeg
            - gif
            - png
            - tif
            - tiff
            - bmp
            - svg
            - svgz
            - webp
            - avif

            # The target directory for the cached previews.
            target_dir:           '%kernel.project_dir%/assets/previews' # Example: '%kernel.project_dir%/assets/previews'
            default_size:         512
            max_size:             1024

            # Whether or not to generate previews for unsupported file types that show a file icon containing the file type.
            enable_fallback_images: true

        # Which metadata fields to preserve when resizing images.

            # Examples:
            exif:                { IFD0: [Copyright, Artist] }
            iptc:                ['2#116', '2#080', '2#115', '2#110']

            # Prototype
            format:               []
            enforce_backend:      false

        # Enables sending the HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) header for secure requests.
            enabled:              true
            ttl:                  31536000

        # The default search indexer, which indexes pages in the database.
            enable:               true

        # Enables indexing of protected pages.
        index_protected:      false

        # The search index listener can index valid and delete invalid responses upon every request. You may limit it to one of the features or disable it completely.

            # Enables indexing successful responses.
            index:                true

            # Enables deleting unsuccessful responses from the index.
            delete:               true

        # Additional URIs to crawl. By default, only the ones defined in the root pages are crawled.
        additional_uris:      []

        # Allows to configure the default HttpClient options (useful for proxy settings, SSL certificate validation and more).
        default_http_client_options: []

        # Specifies the mailer transports available for selection within Contao.

            # Prototype

                # Overrides the "From" address for any e-mails sent with this mailer transport.
                from:                 null

        # Adds HTML attributes to the <body> tag in the back end.

            # Examples:
            app-name:            'My App'
            app-version:         1.2.3

            # Prototype
            name:                 ~

        # Adds custom style sheets to the back end.

            # Example:
            - files/backend/custom.css

        # Adds custom JavaScript files to the back end.

            # Example:
            - files/backend/custom.js

        # Configures the title of the badge in the back end and the Contao Manager.
        badge_title:          '' # Example: develop

        # Defines the path of the Contao backend.
        route_prefix:         /contao # Example: /admin

        # The number of concurrent requests that are executed. Defaults to 5.
        crawl_concurrency:    5

        # A list of allowed insert tags.

            # Default:
            - *

            # Examples:
            - '*_url'
            - request_token

        # These tables are ignored by default when creating and restoring backups.

            # Defaults:
            - tl_crawl_queue
            - tl_log
            - tl_search
            - tl_search_index
            - tl_search_term

        # The maximum number of backups to keep. Use 0 to keep all the backups forever.
        keep_max:             5

        # The latest backup plus the oldest of every configured interval will be kept. Intervals have to be specified as documented in without the P prefix.

            # Defaults:
            - 1D
            - 7D
            - 14D
            - 1M

            # Defaults:
            - http
            - https
            - ftp
            - mailto
            - tel
            - data
            - skype
            - whatsapp

        # Allows to enable or disable the kernel.terminate listener that executes cron jobs within the web process. "auto" will auto-disable it if a CLI cron is running.
        web_listener:         auto # One of "auto"; true; false

        # Contao provides an "csp_inline_styles" Twig filter which is able to automatically generate CSP hashes for inline style attributes of WYSIWYG editors. For security reasons, the supported properties and their regex value have to be specified here.

            # Prototype
            property:             ~

        # Do not increase this value beyond the allowed response header size of your web server, as this will result in a 500 server error.
        max_header_size:      3072
# Default configuration for extension with alias: "contao"
    csrf_cookie_prefix:   csrf_
    csrf_token_name:      contao_csrf_token
    encryption_key:       '%kernel.secret%'

    # The error reporting level set when the framework is initialized. Defaults to E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_USER_DEPRECATED.
    error_level:          8183

        # Adds, removes or overwrites the list of ICU locale IDs. Defaults to all locale IDs known to the system.

            # Examples:
            - +de
            - '-de_AT'
            - gsw_CH

        # Adds, removes or overwrites the list of enabled locale IDs that can be used in the Backend for example. Defaults to all languages for which a translation exists.

            # Examples:
            - +de
            - '-de_AT'
            - gsw_CH

        # Adds, removes or overwrites the list of ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes.

            # Examples:
            - +DE
            - '-AT'
            - CH

    # Disabling legacy routing allows to configure the URL prefix and suffix per root page. However, it might not be compatible with third-party extensions.
    legacy_routing:       true

    # Allows to set TL_CONFIG variables, overriding settings stored in localconfig.php. Changes in the Contao back end will not have any effect.
    localconfig:          ~

    # Allows to configure which languages can be used in the Contao back end. Defaults to all languages for which a translation exists.
    locales:              [] # Deprecated (Since contao/core-bundle 4.12: Using contao.locales is deprecated. Please use contao.intl.enabled_locales instead.)

    # Whether or not to add the page language to the URL.
    prepend_locale:       false # Deprecated (Since contao/core-bundle 4.10: The URL prefix is configured per root page since Contao 4.10. Using this option requires legacy routing.)

    # Show customizable, pretty error screens instead of the default PHP error messages.
    pretty_error_screens: false

    # An optional entry point script that bypasses the front end cache for previewing changes (e.g. "/preview.php").
    preview_script:       ''

    # The folder used by the file manager.
    upload_path:          files
    editable_files:       'css,csv,html,ini,js,json,less,md,scss,svg,svgz,ts,txt,xliff,xml,yml,yaml'
    url_suffix:           .html # Deprecated (Since contao/core-bundle 4.10: The URL suffix is configured per root page since Contao 4.10. Using this option requires legacy routing.)

    # Absolute path to the web directory. Defaults to %kernel.project_dir%/public.
    web_dir:              '%kernel.project_dir%/public' # Deprecated (Since contao/core-bundle 4.13: Setting the web directory in a config file is deprecated. Use the "extra.public-dir" config key in your root composer.json instead.)

        # Bypass the image cache and always regenerate images when requested. This also disables deferred image resizing.
        bypass_cache:         false
            jpeg_quality:         80

                # Defaults:
                - 2
                - 1
                - 1
            png_compression_level: ~
            png_compression_filter: ~
            webp_quality:         ~
            webp_lossless:        ~
            avif_quality:         ~
            avif_lossless:        ~
            heic_quality:         ~
            heic_lossless:        ~
            jxl_quality:          ~
            jxl_lossless:         ~

            # Allows to disable the layer flattening of animated images. Set this option to false to support animations. It has no effect with Gd as Imagine service.
            flatten:              ~

            # One of the Imagine\Image\ImageInterface::INTERLACE_* constants.
            interlace:            plane

            # Filter used when downsampling images. One of the Imagine\Image\ImageInterface::FILTER_* constants. It has no effect with Gd or SVG as Imagine service.
            resampling-filter:    ~

        # Contao automatically uses an Imagine service out of Gmagick, Imagick and Gd (in this order). Set a service ID here to override.
        imagine_service:      null

        # Reject uploaded images exceeding the localconfig.gdMaxImgWidth and localconfig.gdMaxImgHeight dimensions.
        reject_large_uploads: false

        # Allows to define image sizes in the configuration file in addition to in the Contao back end. Use the special name "_defaults" to preset values for all sizes of the configuration file.

            # Prototype
                width:                ~
                height:               ~
                resize_mode:          ~ # One of "crop"; "box"; "proportional"
                zoom:                 ~
                css_class:            ~
                lazy_loading:         ~
                densities:            ~
                sizes:                ~

                # If the output dimensions match the source dimensions, the image will not be processed. Instead, the original file will be used.
                skip_if_dimensions_match: ~

                # Allows to convert one image format to another or to provide additional image formats for an image (e.g. WebP).

                    # Examples:
                    jpg:                 [jxl, webp, jpg]
                    gif:                 [avif, png]

                    # Prototype
                    source:               []

                    # Prototype
                        width:                ~
                        height:               ~
                        resize_mode:          ~ # One of "crop"; "box"; "proportional"
                        zoom:                 ~
                        media:                ~
                        densities:            ~
                        sizes:                ~
                        resizeMode:           ~ # One of "crop"; "box"; "proportional", Deprecated (Since contao/core-bundle 4.9: Using contao.image.sizes.*.items.resizeMode is deprecated. Please use contao.image.sizes.*.items.resize_mode instead.)
                resizeMode:           ~ # One of "crop"; "box"; "proportional", Deprecated (Since contao/core-bundle 4.9: Using contao.image.sizes.*.resizeMode is deprecated. Please use contao.image.sizes.*.resize_mode instead.)
                cssClass:             ~ # Deprecated (Since contao/core-bundle 4.9: Using contao.image.sizes.*.cssClass is deprecated. Please use contao.image.sizes.*.css_class instead.)
                lazyLoading:          ~ # Deprecated (Since contao/core-bundle 4.9: Using contao.image.sizes.*.lazyLoading is deprecated. Please use contao.image.sizes.*.lazy_loading instead.)
                skipIfDimensionsMatch: ~ # Deprecated (Since contao/core-bundle 4.9: Using contao.image.sizes.*.skipIfDimensionsMatch is deprecated. Please use contao.image.sizes.*.skip_if_dimensions_match instead.)

        # The target directory for the cached images processed by Contao.
        target_dir:           '%kernel.project_dir%/assets/images' # Example: '%kernel.project_dir%/assets/images'
        target_path:          null # Deprecated (Since contao/core-bundle 4.9: Use the "contao.image.target_dir" parameter instead.)

            # Defaults:
            - jpg
            - jpeg
            - gif
            - png
            - tif
            - tiff
            - bmp
            - svg
            - svgz
            - webp

            # The target directory for the cached previews.
            target_dir:           '%kernel.project_dir%/assets/previews' # Example: '%kernel.project_dir%/assets/previews'
            default_size:         512
            max_size:             1024

            # Whether or not to generate previews for unsupported file types that show a file icon containing the file type.
            enable_fallback_images: true
            enforce_backend:      false

        # The default search indexer, which indexes pages in the database.
            enable:               true

        # Enables indexing of protected pages.
        index_protected:      false

        # The search index listener can index valid and delete invalid responses upon every request. You may limit it to one of the features or disable it completely.

            # Enables indexing successful responses.
            index:                true

            # Enables deleting unsuccessful responses from the index.
            delete:               true

        # Additional URIs to crawl. By default, only the ones defined in the root pages are crawled.
        additional_uris:      []

        # Allows to configure the default HttpClient options (useful for proxy settings, SSL certificate validation and more).
        default_http_client_options: []

        # Specifies the mailer transports available for selection within Contao.

            # Prototype

                # Overrides the "From" address for any e-mails sent with this mailer transport.
                from:                 null

        # Adds HTML attributes to the <body> tag in the back end.

            # Examples:
            app-name:            'My App'
            app-version:         1.2.3

            # Prototype
            name:                 ~

        # Adds custom style sheets to the back end.

            # Example:
            - files/backend/custom.css

        # Adds custom JavaScript files to the back end.

            # Example:
            - files/backend/custom.js

        # Configures the title of the badge in the back end and the Contao Manager.
        badge_title:          '' # Example: develop

        # Defines the path of the Contao backend.
        route_prefix:         /contao # Example: /admin

        # A list of allowed insert tags.

            # Default:
            - *

            # Examples:
            - '*_url'
            - request_token

        # These tables are ignored by default when creating and restoring backups.

            # Defaults:
            - tl_crawl_queue
            - tl_log
            - tl_search
            - tl_search_index
            - tl_search_term

        # The maximum number of backups to keep. Use 0 to keep all the backups forever.
        keep_max:             5

        # The latest backup plus the oldest of every configured interval will be kept. Intervals have to be specified as documented in without the P prefix.

            # Defaults:
            - 1D
            - 7D
            - 14D
            - 1M

            # Defaults:
            - http
            - https
            - ftp
            - mailto
            - tel
            - data
            - skype
            - whatsapp

Environment variables for the Contao Managed Edition

This feature is available in Contao 4.9 and later.

If you use Contao together with the Contao Managed Edition, you can use environment variables to influence the behaviour of the Managed Edition, similar to Symfony Flex. The reason why they are environment variables is because these settings affect the setup before the dependency injection container is even built. Settings like trusted proxies or caching are considered very early in the application boot process (if it even needs to be booted thanks to the cache) so they cannot be part of the application itself.

Some of the environment variables, like APP_SECRET, DATABASE_URL and MAILER_DSN replace their respective counterparts of the config/parameters.yaml and thus you should not use these parameters, if you are using the environment variable instead.


The APP_ENV environment variable can contain either prod or dev. By default, the Contao Managed Edition runs in the prod mode, optimizing everything for production. If you want to put your installation in permanent development mode to have additional logging and debugging output, set APP_ENV to dev. Never do this for production sites! If you set the environment manually, you will no longer be able to toggle the debug mode from the back end as a Contao administrator.


The APP_SECRET environment variable is required e.g. to generate CSRF tokens. This is a string that should be unique to your application and it’s commonly used to add more entropy to security related operations. Its value should be a series of characters, numbers and symbols chosen randomly and the recommended length is around 32 characters. As with any other security-related parameter, it is a good practice to change this value from time to time. However, keep in mind that changing this value will invalidate all signed URIs and Remember Me cookies. That is why, after changing this value, you should regenerate the application cache and log out all the application users. For more information please visit the Symfony documentation.


The DISABLE_HTTP_CACHE environment variable allows you to disable the default caching proxy that is shipped with the Contao Managed Edition. Note that if you set this to true, none of the following environment variables will have any effect anymore as they are designed to configure said proxy that you have just disabled:


In Contao 4.9 this environment variable is called COOKIE_WHITELIST.

This is a special environment variable related to the default caching proxy which is shipped with the Contao Managed Edition by default. Contao disables any HTTP caching as soon as there is either a Cookie or an Authorization header present in the request. That is because these headers can potentially authenticate a user and thus cause personalized content to be generated in which case, we never want to serve any content from the cache. However, unfortunately, the web consists of tons of different cookies. Most of which are completely irrelevant to the application itself and are only used in JavaScript (although there are better alternatives such as LocalStorage, SessionStorage or IndexedDB). You will find that e.g. Google Analytics, Matomo, Facebook etc. all set cookies your application (Contao in this case) is not interested in at all. However, because the HTTP cache has to decide whether to serve a response from the cache or not before the application is even started, there’s no way it can know which cookies are relevant and which ones are not. So, we have to tell it. The Contao Managed Edition ships with a list of irrelevant cookies that are ignored by default to increase the hit rate but if you want to optimize it even more, you can disable the default list by providing an explicit list of cookies you need. These are the cookies you know are relevant to the application and in this case, the cache must be omitted. By default, Contao only uses the PHP session ID cookie to authenticate users and members, the CSRF cookie to protect visitors from CSRF attacks when submitting forms, the trusted devices cookie for two-factor authentication and the remember me cookie to automatically log in users if desired. So in most cases, the following configuration will score the maximum cache hits but you may have to allow additional cookies of extensions you installed:


The name of the PHP session cookie is configurable through the php.ini so you might want to check if it’s PHPSESSID for you too. Moreover, the CSRF cookie is different for http and https for security reasons. If you serve your website over http, note that the cookie name will be csrf_http-contao_csrf_token. However, protecting your users from CSRF attacks but let them submit the form via unsecured http connections is not really a valid use case.

This feature is available in Contao 4.10 and later.

In case you don’t want to manage the whole COOKIE_ALLOW_LIST because you are unsure what your application needs but you want to disable one or more of the existing entries on the deny list that is managed by Contao, you can specify this using:



This feature is available in Contao 4.10 and later.

For the very same reason we strip irrelevant cookies, we also strip irrelevant query parameters. E.g. you might be familiar with the typical ?utm_*>=<randomtoken> query parameters that are added to links of your website. Because they change the URL every single time, they also generate new cache entries every single time, eventually maybe even flooding your cache.

As with the irrelevant cookies, Contao also manages a list of irrelevant query parameters which again, you may completely override by providing a list of allowed query parameters if you know all the query parameters your application ever needs. This is highly unlikely which is why there is also QUERY_PARAMS_REMOVE_FROM_DENY_LIST.


This feature is available in Contao 4.10 and later.

As with COOKIE_REMOVE_FROM_DENY_LIST, you can use QUERY_PARAMS_REMOVE_FROM_DENY_LIST to remove an entry from the default deny list shipped with Contao. If you e.g. need the Facebook click identifier (fbclid) in your server side code, you may update your list like so:


If you do so, make sure to disable caching by e.g. setting Cache-Control: no-store on this response if fbclid is present as otherwise you are back to having thousands of cache entries in your cache proxy.


The database connection information is stored as an environment variable called DATABASE_URL. It defines the database user name, database password, host name, port and database name that will be used by your Contao system. The format of this variable is the following: DATABASE_URL="mysql://db_user:db_password@". It is used by default for the Doctrine configuration: doctrine.dbal.url: '%env(DATABASE_URL)%'.


The mailer connection information is stored as an environment variable called MAILER_DSN. It defines the transport to be used for sending emails, as well as the login credentials, host name and port for an SMTP server for example, if applicable. The format of this variable is the following: MAILER_DSN=smtp:// See the Symfony Swiftmailer Bundle Documentation for more information.

The variable was previously called MAILER_URL. Since Contao 5.0 only MAILER_DSN will be supported.


When you deploy your application, you may be behind a load balancer or a reverse proxy (e.g. Varnish for caching). For the most part, this doesn’t cause any problems with the Managed Edition. But, when a request passes through a proxy, certain request information is sent using either the standard Forwarded header or X-Forwarded-* headers. For example, instead of reading the REMOTE_ADDR header (which will now be the IP address of your reverse proxy), the user’s true IP will be stored in a standard Forwarded: for="…" header or a X-Forwarded-For header. If you don’t configure the Managed Edition to look for these headers, you’ll get incorrect information about the client’s IP address, whether or not the client is connecting via HTTPS, the client’s port and the hostname being requested. Let’s say your load balancer runs on IP You can trust that IP by setting TRUSTED_PROXIES to You can also trust a whole IP range if you like to: TRUSTED_PROXIES= See the Symfony Documentation on Proxies for more information.


The same explanation as for TRUSTED_PROXIES and the IP example, also applies to TRUSTED_HOSTS when fetching the originally sent Host HTTP header. You would get the host name of your proxy but if you add your proxy host name to the list of trusted proxies, you will get the host name that was requested in the original request:


This feature is available in Contao 5.3 and later.

When creating a website in Contao you define the website’s domain in the website root’s settings - or in each website root respectively in a multi-domain setup. In order to not have to manually change the domain every time you copy the database from or to different hosting environments you can use the DNS_MAPPING environment variable:

# .env.local in your local environment
    "": "example.local",
    "": "foobar.local",
    "": "lorem.local"
# .env.local in your staging environment
    "": "",
    "": "",
    "": ""

This allows you to - for example - copy the live database to your staging or local environment and then automatically change the domains according to the mapping in the respective environment during contao:migrate.

You can also migrate the useSSL setting to different settings in the respective environment, which might be useful if you haven’t set up an SSL certificate in your local development environment.

    "": "http://example.local",
    "": "http://foobar.local",
    "": "http://lorem.local"

This also works if you do not use a dns name in some of your website roots (although that is not a recommended setup).

    "": "http://",
    "": "http://foobar.local",
    "": "http://lorem.local"
    "": "example.local",
    "": "foobar.local",
    "": "lorem.local"

Instead of the environment variable, you can also directly set the parameter in your parameters.yaml, if you prefer:

    contao.dns_mapping: http://example.local http://foobar.local http://lorem.local