
The isAllowedToEditComment hook is triggered to determine permission on a comment from unknown source in the back end. It passes the comment parent ID and source table and expects a boolean as return value.


  1. int $parentId

    The parent record ID.

  2. string $parentTable

    The parent table name.

Return Values

If you return true, access to the comment is granted. Return false if access is prohibited or your function is not responsible for this comment.


// src/EventListener/IsAllowedToEditCommentListener.php
namespace App\EventListener;

use Contao\CoreBundle\DependencyInjection\Attribute\AsHook;

class IsAllowedToEditCommentListener
    public function __invoke(int $parentId, string $parentTable): bool
        // Check the access to your custom module
        if (\Contao\BackendUser::getInstance()->hasAccess('custom', 'modules')) {
            return true;

        return false;
