This section explains the Core widgets and gives examples. For a complete overview of all available options see the full DCA field reference.
This section is still work in progress. Please consider contributing when you research a widget configuration to help others!
Renders one or multiple checkboxes.
Multiple checkboxes with sorting support.
Not yet documented
Render a file picker
Allows to define an output size for images.
Text field with a small drop-down menu for the "unit".
Not yet documented
Render an expandable list
Four text fields with a small unit drop-down menu (not yet documented)
Allow to edit meta data fields.
Not yet documented
Not yet documented
Not yet documented
General purpose picker.
Renders a single or multiple radio buttons (not yet documented)
Table with images and radio buttons (not yet documented)
Used for defining sections in the page layout (not yet documented)
Renders a drop-down menu
Search Engine Result Preview (SERP) widget (not yet documented)
Not yet documented
Not yet documented
Text field that will not display its current value (not yet documented)
Renders a textarea input field for which you can also enable the Ace or TinyMCE editor.
Text field with drop-down menu