Meta Wizard

The meta data widget allows to edit meta data fields. If multiple languages are enabled, the widget will create a row for each language.

MetaWizard widget with two languages


inputTypemetaWizard (string)
eval.metaFieldsarrayAn array of meta fields to be displayed. The array key is the field. Value can be an string of field attributes or an array.
eval.metaFields.[field].typestringThe field input type. Only supported value is textarea, otherwise a text input is shown.
eval.metaFields.[field].attributesstringThe field attributes.
eval.metaFields.[field].dcaPickerboolShow a dca picker
eval.metaFields.[field].rgxpstringA validation regex.
eval.metaFields.[field].rgxpErrMsgstringError message if regex validation failed.


The Meta Wizard configuration in the file manager.

// ...
'meta' => [
    'exclude' => true,
    'inputType' => 'metaWizard',
    'eval' =>
            'allowHtml' => true,
            'multiple' => true,
            'metaFields' => [
                'title' => 'maxlength="255"',
                'alt' => 'maxlength="255"',
                'link' => ['attributes' => 'maxlength="2048"', 'dcaPicker' => true],
                'caption' => ['type' => 'textarea'],
                'license' => [
                    'attributes' => 'maxlength="255"',
                    'dcaPicker' => true,
                    'rgxp' => '#(^$|^{{link_url::.+$|^https?://.+$)#',
                    'rgxpErrMsg' => &$GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_files']['licenseRgxpError']
    'sql' => "blob NULL"
// ...