
This widget allows you to enter multiple “key & value” (or “value & label”) combinations. It allows you to copy and delete individual entries as well as re-arrange the order of the entries.

Key-Value-Wizard widget


This table only shows the options relevant to the core functionality of this widget. See the DCA reference for a full field reference.

inputTypekeyValueWizard (string)
eval.maxlengthintegerMaximum number of characters that are allowed in the individual input fields.
eval.keyLabelstringThe label for the “key” column of the wizard.
eval.valueLabelstringThe label for the “value” column of the wizard.


use Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\MySQLPlatform;

// …
'foobar' => [
    'inputType' => 'keyValueWizard',
    'eval' => [
        'maxlength' => 255,
        'keyLabel' => 'The key',
        'valueLabel' => 'The label',
    'sql' => [
        'type' => 'blob',
        'length' => MySQLPlatform::LENGTH_LIMIT_BLOB,
        'notnull' => false,
// …

Usage in Contao

The key value wizard widget is used in the Description list content element for example in order to be able to enter the list of description terms (the “key”) and description details (the “value”).