Request Tokens (CSRF Protection)

Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) is a very common security vulnerability. In its essence, it allows attackers to execute unwanted requests on behalf of their victim. For example, an attacker might let a logged-in user submit a form containing politically incorrect data which is then stored and assigned to that logged-in user. You can find more information about how CSRF attacks work and how they can be mitigated on the respective website of the Open Web Application Security Project.

The way Contao mitigates these attacks is by using the Double Submit Cookie technique.

Providing CSRF protection for users that are not authenticated against the app does not make any sense. So if you visit a regular Contao page with a form placed on it, you will not necessarily see any cookies being set in your browser. Only if you are authenticated in such a way that the browser will automatically send authentication information along without any user interaction (e.g. any cookies or basic authentication via Authorization headers), CSRF protection is required. So don’t get fooled by the cookies not being present all the time, Contao is actually very smart about them to improve HTTP cache hits.

By default, Contao protects all POST requests coming from Contao routes (except Ajax requests that are hinted as such by the de-facto standard header X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest). That means routes which have the route attribute _scope set to either frontend or backend.

If you explicitly want to disable the CSRF protection on your own route, you can set the route attribute _token_check to false. For example, you might want to listen to some webhook which sends you POST data and authorizes itself using the Authorization header. If you need to run in e.g. frontend scope, CSRF protection will kick in and you might need to disable the check for your route. However, requiring the _scope to be set to frontend is highly unlikely for a webhook and this example is rather for illustration purposes. Remember, Contao is very smart about determining when CSRF protection is required!

Setting _token_check to false will make your custom route vulnerable to CSRF attacks! Only do this if you have alternative protection in place!

Generating and Checking The Token

In order to generate a CSRF token you need the token manager service (@contao.csrf.token_manager) and the configured token name (%contao.csrf_token_name%). You can also validate the token yourself, if you need to do that for some reason.

// src/ExampleService.php
namespace App;

use Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfToken;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManagerInterface;

class ExampleService
     * @var CsrfTokenManagerInterface
    private $csrfTokenManager;

     * @var string
    private $csrfTokenName;

    public function __construct(CsrfTokenManagerInterface $csrfTokenManager, string $csrfTokenName)
        $this->csrfTokenManager = $csrfTokenManager;
        $this->csrfTokenName = $csrfTokenName;

    public function generateToken(): string
        return $this->csrfTokenManager->getToken($this->csrfTokenName)->getValue();

    public function checkToken(string $tokenValue): bool
        $token = new CsrfToken($this->csrfTokenName, $tokenValue);
        return $this->csrfTokenManager->isTokenValid($token);

since 4.13 You can omit getting the %contao.csrf_token_name% by explicitly using the ContaoCsrfTokenManager, that now features a getDefaultTokenValue() method:

// before:

// after:

Requiring Contao CSRF for Symfony form submits

If you want to use Symfony Forms in a controller or in a custom service, you have to use the Contao CSRF configuration so that the request is not blocked.

If you have a Contao controller extended from AbstractFrontendModuleController, AbstractContentElementController or Contao’s AbstractController, you can simply use $this->getCsrfFormOptions() and pass them to the options array:

use Contao\ContentModel;
use Contao\CoreBundle\Controller\ContentElement\AbstractContentElementController;
use Contao\CoreBundle\Twig\FragmentTemplate;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;

class MyCustomController extends AbstractContentElementController
    protected function getResponse(FragmentTemplate $template, ContentModel $model, Request $request): Response
        $formBuilder = $this->createFormBuilder(options: $this->getCsrfFormOptions());
        // ....

Otherwise you need the FormFactoryInterface, the ContaoCsrfTokenManager service and the contao.csrf_token_name parameter from the container:

use Contao\CoreBundle\Csrf\ContaoCsrfTokenManager;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Attribute\Autowire;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilderInterface
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormFactoryInterface;

class MyCustomService
    public function __construct(
        private readonly FormFactoryInterface $formFactory,
        private readonly ContaoCsrfTokenManager $csrfTokenManager,
        #[Autowire(param: 'contao.csrf_token_name')]
        private readonly string $csrfTokenName,

    public function getFormBuilder(): FormBuilderInterface
        return $this->formFactory->createBuilder(options: [
            'csrf_field_name' => 'REQUEST_TOKEN',
            'csrf_token_manager' => $this->csrfTokenManager,
            'csrf_token_id' => $this->csrfTokenName,

If you are using Symfony forms to store records that will be shown in the backend or are rendered in the frontend using legacy templates, keep in mind that there won’t be any input encoding! Without careful treatment, this will result in XSS vulnerabilities!

Deprecated Constants, Configuration Settings and more

For historical reasons, you may still come across the following constants or configuration settings. They are all deprecated and you must not use them anymore. Register your own route and implement your own handling as outlined above, if you need to disable the CSRF protection for some reason.

  • The constant BYPASS_TOKEN_CHECK. It disables CSRF protection completely.
  • The localconfig configuration value disableRefererCheck. It disables CSRF protection completely.
  • The localconfig configuration value requestTokenWhitelist. It can contain an exact hostname or regular expression. It will disable CSRF protection only on hostname match.

since 4.13 Using the {{request_token}} insert tag is deprecated as well. Instead, you should retrieve the value from the CSRF token manager in your Controller and pass it on to the template.