
A Collection is a wrapper class for models. It always contains at least one Model.

If no rows were found, the return value is null instead of an empty Collection.

Fetching rows

If you want to fetch more than one row from the database, you can use the static method findBy() which returns a Collection.

findBy() expects two parameters. The first is the column of the table, the second is its value. Like for models, you can use late static binding and add the column to the method name.

A third parameter for options is optional.

// find all pages with language "de"
$pages = PageModel::findBy('language', 'de');

// optional way with late static binding
$pages = PageModel::findByLanguage('de');

For more complex conditions, optionally pass arrays as parameters:

// find all pages with language "de" and pid 1
$pages = PageModel::findBy(['language = ?', 'pid = ?'], ['de', 1]);

// find all entries of a model with type "store" within a given array of ids
$foos = FoobarModel::findBy(['type = ?', 'id IN (' . implode(',', array_map('\intval', $ids)) . ')'], ['store']);

Collection specific methods


findAll() returns all rows of a table:

// fetch all rows from tl_page
$pages = PageModel::findAll();


You can create a collection by passing the IDs to this method:

// fetch the rows with id 1, 2 and 3 from tl_page
$pages = PageModel::findMultipleByIds([1, 2, 3]);

Data access

You can loop through a collection object using foreach. In this example, $page is a PageModel.

$pages = PageModel::findAll();

foreach ($pages as $page) {
    // read data / modify the page record

You can fetch one or all columns of each row:

// fetch the column `title` of each row
$titles = $pages->fetchEach('title');

// fetch all columns of each row
$rows = $pages->fetchAll();