Content Elements for your Table

In Contao, Content Elements are the fundamental content blocks. The records for these content elements are stored in the tl_content table, which comes with its own Data Container Array definition. Within the Contao core (and its core extensions), content elements are used to define the content of regular pages (via their articles) and the detail content of news and events. Thus the records of tl_content are all associated with a specific parent table.

As shown in the guide for Managing Data Records a data container can have child tables as well as a specific parent table. The same principle is used for content elements: all DCAs that enable you to use content elements within them define tl_content as one of their child tables - but there can only be one parent table. By default the ptable definition of tl_content is empty. It needs to be set dynamically. This could be done directly in your DCA adjustment of tl_content - or via the loadDataContainer hook.

The following explains the necessary steps in order to be able to create, edit and then render content elements for your own DataContainer.

Adjusting the DCA of your Table

First we have a look at the necessary changes within the Data Container Array configuration of your own table. Two changes are necessary: adding the new child table and adding a new operation for the list in order to create and edit content elements.

Within the config of your DCA, add a ctable entry (if you do not already have one) and add tl_content as one of the child tables:

// contao/dca/tl_example.php
$GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_example'] = [
    'config' => [
        // …
        'ctable' => ['tl_content'],
    // …

Next add a new operation to the list section. Traditionally the action to edit the content elements of a parent is called edit and uses the edit.svg icon of the back end theme, whereas the action to edit the properties of the parent records is called editheader and uses the header.svg icon of the back end theme. However, this is entirely up to you. In principle you can name these actions as you like and also choose different icons.

// contao/dca/tl_example.php
$GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_example'] = [
    // …
    'list' => [
        // …
        'operations' => [
            'edit' => [
                'href' => 'table=tl_content',
                'icon' => 'edit.svg',
            'editheader' => [
                'href' => 'act=edit',
                'icon' => 'header.svg',
            // …
    // …

Adjusting the Back End Module

When using the newly added edit operation from the previous step, Contao will now tell you, that tl_content is not an allowed table for your back end module.

To enable editing of tl_content records within your back end module, it needs to be within the list of tables of your back end module:

// contao/config/config.php
$GLOBALS['BE_MOD']['content']['example'] = [
    'tables' => ['tl_example', 'tl_content'],

Adjusting the Parent Table

Editing tl_content records will now be possible with the previous steps - however, the ptable definition of tl_content will still be empty and thus Contao would not know which parent table should be assigned to any new record of tl_content. As already mentioned we will use a service where we implement a loadDataContainer hook and adjust the ptable definition of the tl_content DCA accordingly.

// src/EventListener/SetPtableForContentListener.php
namespace App\EventListener;

use Contao\CoreBundle\Routing\ScopeMatcher;
use Contao\CoreBundle\DependencyInjection\Attribute\AsHook;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack;

class SetPtableForContentListener
    private $requestStack;
    private $scopeMatcher;

    public function __construct(RequestStack $requestStack, ScopeMatcher $scopeMatcher)
        $this->requestStack = $requestStack;
        $this->scopeMatcher = $scopeMatcher;

    public function __invoke(string $table)
        // We only want to adjust the DCA of tl_content
        if ('tl_content' !== $table) {

        $request = $this->requestStack->getCurrentRequest();

        // Check if this is a back end request
        if (null === $request || !$this->scopeMatcher->isBackendRequest($request)) {

        // Check if we are in our "example" back end module
        if ('example' === $request->query->get('do')) {
            $GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_content']['config']['ptable'] = 'tl_example';

This event listener checks set the ptable for tl_content to our own tl_example table under the following conditions:

  • The DataContainer definition to be loaded is for tl_content.
  • The current request is actually a back end request, as front end requests are of no interest to us for this purpose.
  • The do action in the back end coincides with the name of our back end module.

Rendering your Content Elements

Rendering the content elements for a specific parent ID and parent table can be done with the help of two static functions of the Contao framework:

  • \Contao\ContentModel::findPublishedByPidAndTable(…)
  • \Contao\Controller::getContentElement(…)

The former returns a collection of models found in the database for the given parent ID and parent table while the latter will render a content element by its given ID. A front end module utilising these functions could look like this:

// src/Controller/FrontendModule/ExampleModuleController.php
namespace App\Controller\FrontendModule;

use App\Model\ExampleModel;
use Contao\ContentModel;
use Contao\Controller;
use Contao\CoreBundle\Controller\FrontendModule\AbstractFrontendModuleController;
use Contao\CoreBundle\DependencyInjection\Attribute\AsFrontendModule;
use Contao\ModuleModel;
use Contao\Template;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;

#[AsFrontendModule(category: 'miscellaneous')]
class ExampleModuleController extends AbstractFrontendModuleController
    protected function getResponse(Template $template, ModuleModel $model, Request $request): Response
        // Get the parent ID via a query parameter
        $parentId = $request->query->get('example_id');

        // Get the parent record
        $example = ExampleModel::findById($parentId),

        if (null === $example) {
            return new Response();

        // Fill the template with data from the parent record
        $template->setData(array_merge($example->row(), $template->getData()));

        $template->content = function() use ($request, $parentId): ?string {
            // Get all the content elements belonging to this parent ID and parent table
            $elements = ContentModel::findPublishedByPidAndTable($parentId, 'tl_example');

            if (null === $elements) {
                return null;

            // The layout section is stored in a request attribute
            $section = $request->attributes->get('section', 'main');

            // Get the rendered content elements
            $content = '';

            foreach ($elements as $element) {
                $content .= Controller::getContentElement($element->id, $section);

            return $content;

        return $template->getResponse();

This controller assigns a new variable to the template, which is actually an anonymous function. Whenever this variable is accessed, the function is executed. Assuming you are using a query parameter to show the detail content of a given parent ID, this function will retrieve the content models for this parent ID and then render and return these content elements.

<!-- contao/templates/mod_example_module.html5 -->
<?php $this->extend('block_searchable'); ?>

<?php $this->block('content'); ?>

  <!-- This triggers our anonymous function and renders the content elements -->
  <?= $this->content ?>

<?php $this->endblock(); ?>

The advantage of using an anonymous function for rendering the content elements is that the elements are only fetched from the database and rendered if they are actually requested within the template. Thus if you have multiple modules and templates where one renders the content elements and the other one does not, there is no performance penalty, since the work is only done as needed and not multiple times.