Debug Mode

During development of your web application the debug mode (also called developer mode or developer environment) can be helpful for a variety of things. When enabled, the following things are in effect:

  • Stack traces of errors will be shown.
  • The page cache is disabled.
  • The Symfony Profiler and its toolbar is enabled.
  • CSS and JavaScript assets will not be combined.
  • Template names will be shown in the source as HTML comments.

In Contao 4.4, the debug mode also bypasses the image cache of Contao. While this can be useful, it will also slow down the page generation significantly on pages with a lot of images. To disable bypassing of the image cache add the following to your config_dev.yaml:

# app/config/config_dev.yaml
        bypass_cache: false

Accessing the Debug Mode

The way you activate the debug mode is different between Contao versions.

Contao 4.4

In Contao 4.4 you access the debug mode by accessing the app_dev.php entry point. Prepend any URL you want to debug with that entry point. For example, if you need to track down an error within the Contao Install Tool, then you would access the debug mode via

The app_dev.php entry point can be accessed at any time in your local developer environment. However, in any other environment, you will need to set a username and password first for security reasons.

Command Line

Setting a username and a password for the app_dev.php entry point can be done the following via the contao:install-web-dir console command:

$ vendor/bin/contao-console contao:install-web-dir --user=<USER> --password

Replace <USER> with the desired username. The command line utility will then ask you for the password. This creates a .env file in the root directory of the Contao installation containing an environment variable which in turn will contain the username and the encrypted password.

Contao Manager

In Contao 4.5 through 4.7 the username and password can also be set via the Contao Manager by using the Debug Mode option in the Maintenance section.

Debug Mode

When clicking on Activate the Contao Manager will ask you for the username and password for the app_dev.php entry point. This in turn will execute the aforementioned console command in the background and also create the .env file accordingly.

Contao 4.8 and up

In Contao 4.8 and up the debug mode is enabled either via a special cookie just for one user or via an environment variable for everyone.

Environment Variable

The environment variable used for controlling the debug mode is called APP_ENV and needs to be set to dev in order to enable the debug mode. This environment variable could be set globally in your system or within the configuration of your web application’s web server. It is also possible to set this environment variable via .env files in your project root. The content of this files should then be:


It is also possible to create an (initially) empty .env file and then next to that a .env.local file with said content. Typically, you would then commit the .env file to your project’s Git repository, but the .env.local file should be in your ignore list.

Do not deploy this file with the enabled debug mode to your live server! It would pose a major security risk.

Further environment variables can be set this way. A description can be found in the Developer Documentation.

Back End Setting

The debug mode can also be enabled by administrators within the back end of Contao. Next to the preview button there will be a Debug Mode button. When clicked, this will set a special cookie that enables the debug mode only for the current user.

The button will only be displayed, if you have not defined the app environment in your .env file.

Contao Manager

The debug mode can also be enabled from within the Contao Manager by using the Debug Mode option in the Maintenance section.

Debug Mode

By clicking Activate the Contao Manager will also set a cookie enabling the debug mode for the current user. This cookie will only be valid for the currently active domain. In a multi domain setup, you will therefore need to start the Contao Manager under the domain, for which you want to enable the debug mode.

Symfony Profiler

The Symfony Profiler and its toolbar give detailed information about the execution of any request. When the debug mode is enabled, the toolbar will appear at the bottom of the browser window in a fixed position. It can be collapsed and opened by clicking onto the Symfony logo.

Symfony toolbar

Some of the information you can gather via the profiler are:

  • Symfony, Contao & PHP version
  • Collected debug output from the VarDumper (dump())
  • Memory consumption
  • Database query times
  • Logged in user properties
  • Errors, warnings and deprecations

Stack Trace

Usually when an error happens it will be logged into the var/logs directory. However, to track down the cause of the error it is often helpful to get the full stack trace. Within the debug mode you will be able to reproduce the error and then get the full stack trace in the browser window - as well as in the profiler.