Twig templates have their own syntax. We present here only the most important rules necessary for a basic understanding of Twig.
The Twig syntax is well documented. As a starting point the section Twig for template designers is recommended.
In Twig, the following three identifiers are used.
{# ... #}
- Comments{{ ... }}
- Output of a variable{% ... %}
- Commands and control structuresA comment can be single-line or multi-line. Everything between {#
and #}
is commented out.
{# my comment #}
It is also possible to comment out parts of the code.
{# commented out code - the code will not be executed
{{ variable }}
You can output a variable with {{ name_of_variable }}
<p>output: {{ name_of_variable }} </p>
In the broadest sense, this refers to everything that is connected to controlling the output of variables. Only the most common ones are presented here, which are also often used in Contao templates.
When you want certain output to occur only when a condition is met, you use the If query.
{% if my_variable %}
<p>The variable has the following content:</p>
<p>{{ my_variable }}</p>
{% endif %}
A For loop is used to execute code repeatedly. A typical application example is the output of the contents of an array.
{% for item in items %}
<li>{{ item }}</li>
{% endfor %}
Filters are applied to variables. They specify how a variable should be processed.
{{name of variable|name_of_filter }}
Filters in Twig are extremely powerful and versatile. Twig brings many
Filters out of the box. Developers can also create their own filters.
If you are interested in creating your own filters please have a look at the
Developer Documentation.
Do you want to try something? You can use the Twig Playground for that.