Update Contao

Like most Open Source projects, Contao is under continuous development. With each update, components are updated, bugs are fixed, new features are added or performance is improved. It is therefore recommended to always use the latest version.

The Contao update cycle

Contao follows the concept of Semantic Versioning for the version numbers, which sounds a bit technical so we will quickly get familiar with the terminology used:

Major release

A major release is a completely new version of the software where many basic things have been changed and existing pages may not work anymore. The current major release of Contao is version 4 when writing these lines.

Minor release

A minor release is a kind of milestone on the development path where new features have been added. Minor changes to existing pages might therefore be necessary. When writing these lines, the current minor version of Contao is version 4.10.

Bugfix release

A bugfix release is a maintenance release whose primary purpose is to fix bugs; the current bugfix version of Contao when writing these lines is version 4.10.4.

Long-Term Support Versions

The release cycle of Contao also includes versions with Long Term Support. The Contao versions with extended support period are provided with bug fixes for 3 years and security updates for 1 year, even if newer Contao versions have been released in the meantime. An overview of all Contao versions can be found on Wikipedia.

Updating with the Contao Manager

Before updating Contao, it is recommended to create a backup of the composer.json, composer.lock files and the database.

Log on to Contao Manager and start it.

If you are updating for a bugfix release, just click on “update packages”.

Special feature when updating for a minor release: Click on the cogwheel icon at “Contao Open Source CMS” and enter the desired version. Click the “Update packages” button and then “Apply changes” to push the update.

Start update for minor release

The update can now take several minutes. Details of the update process can be displayed by clicking the following iconShow/Hide Console Output.

Update for minor release completed

Update database tables

Open the Contao install tool and check if any changes to your database are necessary after the update. If necessary, make the suggested changes and then close the install tool.

Your Contao installation is now up to date.

Updating via the command line

To update Contao via the command line you need to have Composer installed.

Before updating Contao, I recommend that you make a backup of the composer.json and composer.lock files and the database.

When updating via the command line, a composer update is executed. This will fail to complete on some hosters due to excessive system load, and thus the installation will fail. In this case you should use the Contao Manager.

You have logged on to your server with your user name and domain.

$ ssh benutzername@example.com

On the console, change to the directory of your Contao installation that you want to update.

$ cd www/example/

When updating for a bugfix release, it is sufficient to issue the following command.

$ composer update

If you are updating for a minor release, you need to specify the desired version of the contao/manager-bundle in the composer.json file

    "require": {
        "contao/manager-bundle": "4.10.*",

Now trigger the update on the command line.

$ composer update

Update database tables

Open the Contao install tool and check if any changes to your database are necessary after the update. If necessary, make the suggested changes and then close the install tool.

Instead of using the Contao install tool, (with Contao 4.9 or later) you can use the command

$ vendor/bin/contao-console contao:migrate

Your Contao installation is now up to date.

Update locally without the Composer Resolver Cloud

The procedures described above in Updating via the command line and Update with the Contao Manager, can also be used locally. This has the advantage that, unlike the environment at your hosting, you have no problems with unfulfilled system requirements such as insufficient memory, because you can set the corresponding configuration as required yourself.

Requirements for using the command line

What do you need on your computer?

  • any directory you work in (your working directory)
  • PHP, ideally in the same version as used on your hosting
  • Composer (we assume here that you install Composer globally)
  • copies of the composer.json and composer.lock of the Contao installation at your hoster

What do you not need?

  • MySQL
  • A local Contao installation

Perform the update

Copy the composer.json and composer.lock from your hosting to your working directory. You then do essentially the same as described above in Updating via the command line:

Open a terminal and change to the working directory. There run

$ composer update

After the update has been successfully completed, copy the updated composer.lock. (and the composer.json if you made changes there) back to the Contao installation on your hosting.

After that you either log in via ssh onto your server (hosting)

$ ssh username@example.com

and let Composer install the updated packages

$ composer install

or you use the Contao Manager. There you select “System maintenance”, “Composer dependencies”, “Installer execute”.

composer install with the Contao Manager

Finally you have to update the database tables.

Update database tables

Open the Contao-Installtool and check if changes to your database are necessary. If necessary, make the suggested changes and then close the install tool.

Instead of the Contao install tool, (with Contao 4.9 or later) you can use the command line and run the command

$ vendor/bin/contao-console contao:migrate


Your Contao installation is now up to date.

Different PHP versions

If the PHP version used locally is different from the one on your hosting, you need to specify which PHP version should be used in your composer.json file:

    "config": {
        "platform": {
            "php": "7.4.99"
    "require": {

Local updates with the Contao Manager

You need a local Contao installation. In this installation, you install the Contao Manager and run the update like described in the section Updating with the Contao Manager.

Before doing so, make sure that the Composer Resolver Cloud is not used! You don’t need it, because you can provide your own server with enough memory and thus reduce the load of the resolver cloud.

You can find the setting in the “System Check” in the “Server Configuration” section.

Disabling the Composer Resolver Cloud

After the successful update, transfer the composer.json and composer.lock files back to the Contao installation on your hosting. The next steps on your hosting are the same as described above.