Save form data

With Contao, you can not only send transmitted form data as an email, but also save it in an existing database table. If you do not want to use an existing or your own database table, the extension Leads can be installed as an alternative.

In the first example, we use the possibilities available in Contao for storage together with the hook »prepareFormData«. In the backend, the reservations are listed as a event archiv.

In the second example, we use the extension Leads for storage and backend presentation.


For our example, we will keep the form structure clear. Use the form generator to create a new form with the title Reservation. We only need the following field types as form fields together with a submit field:

Field typeField nameField labelMandatoryValidation
Text fieldtitleNameYesAlphabetic characters
Text fieldstartDateFromYesDate
Text fieldendDateToNoDate

Example I

The data should be available in the backend via the event management. To do this, create a new calendar, e.g. with the name Reservations.

In the settings of your form, activate the option Store data and use the entry tl_calendar_events as the target table.

To select the target table, you can use all the existing database tables of your Contao installation. You can also create your own database table. The corresponding table name must then begin with the »tl_«. prefix. Basically, the field names of your form must match the corresponding field names of the database table.

Hook prepareFormData

The database table tl_calendar_events contains numerous fields. Not all of them are necessary for our example. We need at least entries for the fields »pid«, »title«, »alias«, »author«, »startDate«, »startTime«, »endDate«, »endTime« and »published« so that we get a valid representation of our reservations in the backend. Optional would be entries for »location«, »description« or »teaser«.

Our form currently serves at least the fields »title«, »startDate« and optional »endDate«. The other fields could be added via hidden form fields. This procedure, however, makes it possible to manipulate the transmitted form data. For this reason we use the hook »prepareFormData«.

This hook takes effect after the form submission but before the actual data storage. You can use it to edit the submitted data and add new information. Create the following directories src/EventListener/ in your Contao installation and in it the file PrepareFormDataListener.php with the following content:

// src/EventListener/PrepareFormDataListener.php
namespace App\EventListener;

use Contao\CoreBundle\ServiceAnnotation\Hook;
use Contao\CoreBundle\Slug\Slug;
use Contao\Form;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Connection;

class PrepareFormDataListener
    // Change these variables for your form, calendar and author
    private const FORM_ID = 3;
    private const CALENDAR_ID = 5;
    private const AUTHOR_ID = 1;

    private $slug;
    private $db;

    public function __construct(Slug $slug, Connection $db)
        $this->slug = $slug;
        $this->db = $db;

    public function __invoke(array &$submittedData, array $labels, array $fields, Form $form): void
        // Check if this is the right form
        if (self::FORM_ID !== (int) $form->id) {

        // Mandatory fields
        $submittedData['tstamp'] = time();
        $submittedData['pid'] = self::CALENDAR_ID;
        $submittedData['author'] = self::AUTHOR_ID;

        // Set this to false, if newly created events should not be immediately published
        $submittedData['published'] = true;

        // Generate unique alias
        $submittedData['alias'] = $this->getSlug($submittedData['title']);

        // Convert and set date fields
        $submittedData['startDate'] = strtotime(trim($submittedData['startDate'])) ?: null;
        $submittedData['startTime'] = $submittedData['startDate'];

        // Optional fields
        if (!empty(trim($submittedData['endDate']))) {
            $submittedData['endDate'] = strtotime(trim($submittedData['endDate'])) ?: null;
            $submittedData['endTime'] = $submittedData['endDate'];
        } else {
            $submittedData['endDate'] = null;
            $submittedData['endTime'] = null;

    private function getSlug(string $text, string $locale = 'de', string $validChars = '0-9a-z'): string
        $options = [
            'locale' => $locale,
            'validChars' => $validChars,
        $duplicateCheck = function (string $slug): bool {
            return $this->db->fetchOne('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tl_calendar_events WHERE alias = ?', [$slug]) > 0;

        return $this->slug->generate($text, $options, $duplicateCheck);

The fields required for our calendar are set here. You must adjust the following values according to your environment:

  • FORM_ID (The ID of your form)
  • CALENDAR_ID (The ID of your calendar)
  • AUTHOR_ID (The ID of the author/backend user)

You can get this information in the backend via the detailed information of the respective entries.

The field “alias” corresponds to the “event alias” of your calendar and must be unique. For this we use the Contao Slug-Service. First of all, we use the content of our of our transmitted »title« field and only allow lower case letters and numbers. Special characters are rewritten and blanks are replaced.

The method »generate()« of the Contao Slug-Service also allows the passing of a duplicate check as a callable for the third parameter. If necessary, a unique number is automatically added to the “alias” entry.

You must then delete the Contao cache via the »Contao Manager« or the »Console« so that the hook can be processed. This is also necessary after you have made changes to the file »PrepareFormDataListener.php«.


At the current time, your form data is saved and can be viewed in the backend in the corresponding calendar and can also be changed. You can also manually maintain further reservations here.

Furthermore, all frontend modules (e.g. the mini calendar) are available for displaying this calendar.

Example II

If you do not want to use existing Contao database tables or if you do not want to use your own database table, you can use the Extension Leads.

The Leads extension

The extension automatically stores the data for each form in the database tables »tl_lead« and »tl_lead_data«. Existing entries can also be viewed in the backend.

Our previous formlayout remains unchanged. After installing the extension Leads you have to activate the saving of leads in the form settings via the entry »Store Leads«.

Afterwards, further options are available to you, which serve the leads backend display. We use the following entries for this:

Master configurationThis is a master form
Navigations labelDates club boat
Record label##title## - {{formatted_datetime::##startDate##::d.m.Y}} {{formatted_datetime::##endDate##::d.m.Y}}

Furthermore, you must explicitly activate this in each form field that is to be saved. To do this, you can set the the selection »Save in leads« to »yes« in the respective form fields.

The extension does not provide its own frontend modules for display. To display the data in the frontend, you can use the core extension Listings. You can then create a new module of the type Listing with the following specifications:



If you now use the form, the data will be saved and can be viewed in the navigation area of the backend in the »Leads« section.