File Manager

With the File Manager you can manage files and folders on your server and transfer files from your local computer to the server. By default, user resources are stored in the Contao folder files. Contao’s database-driven filesystem stores file information in the database and references the entries by their UUIDs (Universally Unique Identifier). A UUID is unique across systems and looks like this: bb643d42-0026-ba97-11e3-ccd717221c8a.

New folder

You can create a new directory using the “New folder” button. The following options are available:

Public: Make the folder and its sub-folders accessible via HTTP.

Do not synchronize: Do not synchronize the folder and its subfolders with the database.

Create nested folders

since 4.13 Nested folders can be created directly by entering e. g. “FolderA/FolderB”.

Create nested folders

If you select “Public”, only the last folder will be marked as public.