Here you will find a collection of the most frequently asked questions with the appropriate answers.
If you have a suggestion for this section, use the “Edit this page” link in the top right-hand corner. If you have a GitHub account and are logged in, GitHub automatically creates a forum where you can add your suggestions. You can then use GitHub to create a pull request.
If there are multiple records in the database table “tl_user” for which the admin flag is set, you can reset the first value for all of them to create a new administrator in the Contao install toolbar.
Remove the line in the file “system/config/localconfig.php” starting with $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['installPassword']
Afterwards you can set a new password with the Install-Tool.
Yes Contao supports multi-domain operation and multilingual websites.
Yes Contao supports multilingual websites.
You can activate the Contao debug mode via the backend.
You can find more Contao resources on the project website.
Yes, the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), under which Contao has been licensed since version 2.5, allows you to use the system for commercial projects. Please note that the copyright notices in the Contao files may not be removed or changed according to the license terms.
If you want to refresh the »Application Cache« you can do this via the Console:
vendor/bin/contao-console cache:clear --no-warmup
vendor/bin/contao-console cache:warmup
The information about this can be found under Show Template Data.
The information about this can be found under TinyMCE Editor Configuration.
This is a hint how to activate the strict mode. More information can be found here.
Yes. You have to rename the directory. Check if the entry "public-dir": "web"
exists in the “composer.json” and remove it or change it to
. Then set this directory as the document root via the admin panel of your hosting provider. Afterwards execute composer install
from the manager or the console.
since 4.13 You can add the entry route_prefix
in config.yaml and then you have to empty the application cache once using the Contao Manager or the console.
# config/config.yaml
route_prefix: '/myadmin'
Check the SMTP details of your hoster in your parameters.yaml
or add them if missing.
Then you have to empty the application cache once via Contao Manager (“Maintenance” > “Application Cache” > “Rebuild Production Cache”)
or via the console.
The e-mail address set in “Settings > E-mail address of the system administrator” is also used as the sender for e-mails sent by the form generator. You can enter an additional e-mail address in the “Site structure” section for the “Starting point of a website” page type. This E-Mail address will then be used as the sender. Since Contao 4.10 you can set different e-mail configurations per website starting point, form and newsletter channel.
You can add the entry prepend_locale: true
in config.yaml and then you have to
empty the application cache once using the Contao Manager (“Maintenance” > “Application Cache” > “Rebuild Production Cache”) or the console.
Since Contao 4.10, you can freely define the URL prefix, independently of the language.
# config/config.yaml
prepend_locale: true
You can add the entry url_suffix: ''
in config.yaml and then you have to
empty the application cache once using the Contao Manager (“Maintenance” > “Application Cache” > “Rebuild Production Cache”) or the console.
# config/config.yaml
url_suffix: ''
Answers can be found in the TinyMCE Editor Configuration section.
Check in the file manager if the directory with your images is marked as “Public”. Also make sure that there is no outdated .htaccess
file in the /web
folder or a parent folder of your installation.
Yes. Via a DCA entry:
If you make changes to a SCSS partial file, you must then empty the script cache in “System Maintenance”.
You need the Contao Manager to install/upgrade/uninstall Contao and extensions. You can find more information under About Contao Manager.
Yes, the Contao Manager recognizes your existing Contao installation during the installation process.
The Contao Manager automatically performs an update check when it is accessed. If a new version is available, Contao Manager will update itself.
The Composer Resolver Cloud allows you to install Composer dependencies via the Contao Manager even if your server does not have enough memory.
If you want to refresh the »Application Cache« you can do this in the Contao Manager »Maintenance/Application Cache« area.
If the Contao Manager stops responding, the console output window does not close, or after a reload of the manager page
or after a reload of the manager page you always get the same output, delete the file contao-manager
in the directory task.json
delete the file task.json
After that, the Contao Manager should run again.
Yes. You can use any file name you want. However, the Contao Manager is no longer accessible from the Backend. In this case, you can change the config.yaml accordingly. Afterwards, you have to empty the application cache once using the Contao Manager (“Maintenance” > “Application Cache” > “Rebuild Production Cache”) or the console.
# config/config.yaml
manager_path: your-name.phar.php