Now that you know how categories and questions are managed in the back end, we will explain how to display this content in the front end. The FAQ extension contains three new front end modules which you can configure as usual via the module management.
The front end module “FAQ list” adds a list of questions to the website, which can be from one or more categories.
FAQ categories: Here you define the categories from which questions are displayed. You can change the order of the
categories using the navigation icon .
FAQ reader: Here you can define if the system should automatically switch to the FAQ reader when a post is selected.
Module template: Here you can overwrite the standard template.
The HTML Output
The front end module generates the following HTML code:
<!-- indexer::stop -->
<div class="mod_faqlist block">
<ul class="first last even">
<li class="first even"><a href="…" title="…">…</a></li>
<li class="odd"><a href="…" title="…">…</a></li>
<li class="last even"><a href="…" title="…">…</a></li>
<!-- indexer::continue -->
The front end module “FAQ reader” is used to display the answer to a specific question. The module obtains the alias of the question via the URL, so that FAQs can be linked with so-called permalinks:
The keyword of the FAQ reader is question and tells the module to search and output a specific question. If the searched question does not exist, the FAQ reader returns an error message and the HTTP status code “404 Not Found”. The status code is important for search engine optimization.
On a single page there may only be one “reader module” at a time, regardless of the type. Otherwise, one or the other module would trigger a 404 page, because, for example, the alias of a FAQ cannot be found in a calendar, or vice versa the alias of an event in a FAQ category.
FAQ categories: Here you define the categories in which the requested question should be searched. Questions from unselected categories will not be displayed, even if the URL is correct and the entry is correct. This feature is especially important in multi-domain operation with several independent websites.
Module template: Here you can overwrite the default template.
Comment template: Here you can select the comment template.
The HTML output
The front end module generates the following HTML code:
<div class="mod_faqreader block">
<div class="ce_text block">
<p class="info">…</p>
<!-- indexer::stop -->
<p class="back"><a href="javascript:history.go(-1)" title="Go back">Go back</a></p>
<!-- indexer::continue -->
<div class="ce_comments block">
For details on comment markup, see theComments section.
The front end module “FAQ page” adds all questions and answers to the website, which can be from one or more categories.
FAQ categories: Here you define the categories in which the requested question should be searched. Questions from unselected categories will not be displayed, even if the URL is correct and the entry is entered correctly. This feature is especially important in multi-domain operation with several independent websites.
Module template: Here you can overwrite the default template.
The HTML output
The front end module generates the following HTML code:
<!-- indexer::stop -->
<div class="mod_faqpage block">
<article class="first last even">
<section class="first even">
<h3 id="…">…</h3>
<div class="ce_text block">
<p class="info">…</p>
<section class="odd">
<h3 id="…">…</h3>
<div class="ce_text block">
<p class="info">…</p>
<section class="last even">
<h3 id="…">…</h3>
<div class="ce_text block">
<p class="info">…</p>
<p class="toplink"><a href="#top">Back to top</a></p>
<!-- indexer::continue -->